onsdag 29 september 2010

Update LMDC 4

 EB1 Embellishment Bootcamp with Jennifer Bratt is now on Saturday 17:00 - 18:00, Möllevångsskolan - 3 places left ♥ The heart is beating ♥

Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez
Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez are now in town
They will start will private lessons on Thursday, La Diva has of course booked the first lesson with them. There is one Private lesson slot left for Thursday

The first workshop with Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez
"The Complete Tango Technique" - ALL LEVELS
Starts at 1900 Thursday 30 September
- Free entry to Thursday's Warm-Up Milonga for all who attend this workshop

Ney Melo & Jennifer Bratt
Ney and Jennifer are still enjoying Istanbul, let's hope they can tear themselves away to come to us in Malmö. Ney wrote today "Istanbul has the nıcest mılonga venues of any cıty I have vısıted, every nıght ıs more beautıful than the last". So Malmö has a lot to live up to, let's make sure his next post says "Malmö has the nıcest mılonga venues of any cıty I have vısıted".
Ney and Jen will arrive early on Friday in time for their first worskhops - Jennifer will be holding her famous Embellishment Bootcamp and Ney and Jennifer will give the "Intro to Villa Urquiza" workshop.
You can see them perform on Friday at 'Palpitando' milonga in the Church.

All info about the venues and latest last minute updates  are on the blog.

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